

8:14 AM

Hey Guys!
How is your week playing out?
I hope you had a swell one. Today i was meant to do a post on our regular fashion face-off ,but i have had this mail that has been pending for a long time and i decided to talk about it today.
Don't worry fashion face-off comes up on Sunday.
This happens to be my 100th post and i super existed about how far i have come. *yeah*
Its not easy cooking 100 different meals lolol
Ok back to my story....
Marta has been dating Ben for 4years and she has always wondered why he hasn't proposed to her. Not like they had any issues but he just wasn't showing signs. So she called it off! As she wasn't getting any younger.
She is 29 now and has started going out with a guy for 7 months and she is wandering 'how long is too long to date him'?

So here is the thing, how long can you date a guy or girl? Is five years too long?  three years?  Is nine months too long?  Some people would say you can figure it out if a relationship is going to work in six months. 
Here is my take on it, if he doesn't propose to you, then propose to him after all proposal has taken place. No man should tie a woman down for long wetin! 
I want to know, what's your take on it?


Dating is an opportunity for you to learn much about your partner. Its not meant to be a residential apartment , in case something better comes along....

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  1. *just passing*
    I love your new blog header.but you should have saved it as png not jpg....visit ladywannabe.blogspot.com for more details
    The Beautiful Eagle

  2. Lol for me its 1year max.

  3. Cheii, one year abeg, btw if one thinks dating a guy for dat long would make u guys know one another well mehn na story ohhh. As each day passes new things and behaviours unfolds even in marriege. A year is enough "biko

  4. Weather 1 year or 3 months if u guys have made up ur minds to live under one roof as man and wife, it's cool. Knowing each other is a life time thingy. I don't believe in long term relationship.

  5. It depends on the person. You can't be 26 and be to date a guy for d next 7 yrs relatnship. I think at 29 it shouldn't take more dan a year


  6. yeah true talk, my take on it will be one year to know each other is enough for either partner should propose. But in reality most ladies will want a guy to propose to them because it makes them feel special and romantic. http://jenniquecreatives.blogspot.co.uk/

  7. Congrats on your 100th post! You are an awesome blogger, and I wish you many more years of doing your thing. Now on to the matter at hand. There are so many factors involved to just say you cant date a man for so and so time. He might be working on another degree, he might not be able to foot the bills, he might not even be emotionally ready for marriage yet. Having said that if the guy in question is not really into you and time is not on your side, borrow usain's legs and bolt.

    How to make a faux bun with short hair

  8. Hi Beauty; I just watched a couple of your videos. You are a natural in front of the camera. I love your boldness and confidence too.

  9. I think wants you know u ready to settle down and this is the guy for u be it 6 months or a year u should ask him st8 up what his plans are 4 u nd if he is nt on the same page then I think that relationship has lasted too long already!

  10. I love your new blog header


  11. it all depends on situation, if he is ready but not financially ready and wants me to wait? i sure will but if u have everything ready and still expecting me to wait nwanna OYO( on your own) plus also depends on how old you guys are.

  12. When u r nt 16, why wld u date for so long....@ 29 d guy shld know dt marriage is on ur mind so if @ 6month-1year, he isn't saying anyfin abeg walk jare

  13. I love your new blog header and to your question, I think it depends on what you both agreed on. Left for me if you are above 23 you shouldn't date any guy for more than a year or 2. If a guy is going to marry you he will if he won't, he won't whether you wait 10years or so. Simply ask him straight up what's his plan so you know if to continue or not. Hope your week was ok Buiti and work arn't that stressful?

  14. omo, which kind of long relationship is that that wont go any where, thats why my rule is by what they say you will know them. truly if the relationship wont work you will know even in a month.x

  15. well said
    my new posts

  16. It depends on love and of course the age factor. I see my relationship lasting for as long as 5 years (maximum of 7 years). Some relationships last as long as 10 years, for example Sisi Yemmie and Bobo :)

  17. I don't believe in very long courtship. It shouldn't be too short nor too long.
    For normal matured minds who are of marriageable age, 6 to 12 months is reasonable after you can't know a man/woman too well.

    Check out new post on my blog dear, nice header.


  18. Congrats on your 100th post.

  19. I think every lady should be able to decide the future of a relationship after 6months...she would/should have studied the guy and know where he's headed and if she's a part of his future plan...if not, she should wisely exit...

    Congrats on your 100th post dear!


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